How Far Can I Travel

Discover how far you can travel on land from a fixed point. Specify the start point, then input either how far you can go or your mode of transport with time available. This tool will then show you the range of locations that you can reach in that time on and isochrone map.

How Far Can I Travel Map

Use Your Google Maps API Key

Due to a large price increase in back-end services, we can no longer provide this page. If you wish to us it, please input your own API Key.

Input your Google Maps API Key :




  Units of measurement km miles  
(1) Enter an Address  

(2A) Speed 0 KPH120 KPH
  And Time : minutes  


(2B) How far can you travel km  

(Optional) Choose Processing Speed Vs Accuracy
  Avoid Highways?
  Avoid Tolls?
  Show Markers?
  Mode of Transport?
  Show Roads Reached
  Fill Colour: Transparent


 Clear Map 

Google Earth KML Output - Feedback is welcome as this will most likely have bugs
Once you have a radius on the map :
URL to link back - Feedback is welcome as this will most likely have bugs
Use this URL to link to this map :

How to use the How Far Can I Travel Tool

You do not need to interact with the map as it will move and resize depending on what you input. To start with, input an address / location in to option 1. Remember, the entire world has to be searched to find this location so make it precise. For example "123 Example Road, ExCity, Excountry" is a good method.

Next you need to indicate the total road distance you can travel. This can be done in two ways:

2A : By inputting a speed of travel and a travel time. For example you may wish to walk for 60 mins.

2B : By inputting a distance. For example you wish to find somewhere 50km away.

Optional, Specify how accurate you want the results to be. Accuracy can be low medium or high. This will result in the tool running faster or slower (more accurate means more time needed). If you find your web browser becoming slow of even crashing you are advised to lessen the accuracy.

Then click [Search] and wait a short time for the start point and all points on the perimeter of your range to be displayed.

Hover over a perimeter marker to see it's road distance from the start point and the as the crow flies distance. Click on a marker to see the address of any nearby locations.

You can then export the area to KML file with or without endpoints. Endpoints are the yellow pins that appear inside Google Earth


The How Far Can I Travel tool has been developed after requests by numerous people all of whom had different applications for it but all asked for a similar thing. "Instead of a radius as the crow flies, can you do a radius as the car drives" was the most popular way of explaining this. Please get in contact to report bugs or suggest improvements.

Version History

  • 13th February 2023 : Version 6.0 -
  • 5th December 2017 : Version 5.1 - Fixed issue with KML polylines not closing correctly
  • 5th September 2017 : Version 5.0 - Optimisations name
  • 5th September 2017 : Version 4.11 - New option to avoid toll roads
  • 16th July 2017 : Version 4.10 - New option to Export KML with polygon and roads travelled
  • 29th March 2017 : Version 4.9 - Time input changed from hours to minutes
  • 15th February 2017 : Version 4.8 - Fixed bug with KML output
  • 6th October 2016 : Version 4.7 - New option - Show Roads Reached - highlights the roads that can be used to reach the drivetime area
  • 30th January 2016 : Version 4.6 - Added transparent fill option
  • 7th January 2016 : Version 4.5 - Small improvement to search algorithm to help deal with coastlines better
  • 22nd March 2015 : Version 4.4 - Fill colour can now be changed
  • 16th January 2015 : Version 4.3 - Added Public transport to the list of travel modes
  • 10th September 2014 : Version 4.2 - Find ZIP Codes inside the area option removed - The new User Menu replaces this functionality
  • 15th July 2014 : Version 4.1
    • Multiple areas can now be added
    • Improved algorithm to prevent 'cross-over'
  • 10th July June 2014 : Version 4.0
    • Improved search algorithm
    • New option to select mode of travel (walking, cycling, driving)
    • Now shows percent complete during processing
  • 26th June 2014 : Version 3.2 - New option to Find ZIP Codes inside the area
  • 23rd January 2014 : Version 3.1 - Added Full Screen option
  • 13th November 2013 : Version 3.0 - Google Maps API V3 Implemented
  • 13th June 2012 : Version 2.9 - URL generated now includes the settings for avoid highways and show end markers
  • 27th September 2011 : Version 2.8 - URL generated now includes the units (km/miles)
  • 27th July 2011 : Version 2.7
    • Added notification when processing is finished
    • Added option to show/hide markers
    • Added option to switch between km and miles
  • 29th June 2011 : Version 2.6 - Added avoid highways option
  • 21st September 2010 : Version 2.5 - Added miles output on each markers's hover over event
  • 17th August 2010 : Version 2.4 - Added export to KML with End Points option.
  • 29th July 2010 : Version 2.3 - Added URL output to allow you to send a link with your map criteria to someone else.
  • 10th March 2010 : Version 2.2 - Added export to KML option.
  • 31st January 2010 : Version 2.1 - Increased maximum range to 999km instead of 99km.
  • 22nd December 2009 : Version 2.0 - New option allowing user to specify how fast or slow (inverse to accuracy) they wish the tool to run.
  • 25rd November 2009 : Version 1.4 - Added notification when address is not found. Before this nothing seemed to happen on screen.
  • 23rd November 2009 : Version 1.3 - Added nearby location text upon clicking a perimeter marker
  • 23rd November 2009 : Version 1.2 - Fixed JavaScript error in Internet Explorer
  • 22nd November 2009 : Version 1.1
    • Corrected units issue
    • Added as the crow flies output to the tooltip for each marker.
  • 22nd November 2009 : Version 1.0

Future Improvements and Ideas

  • Allow export in Geo JSON format
  • Allow export in Shapefile format
  • Percent complete shown while in full screen
  • Add option to avoid ferries
  • Export polygon as shapefile
  • Allow multiple polygons in the URL link
  • Allow a single KML download of multiple polygons
  • URL includes information for Show Roads Reached
  • URL includes information for Transparent setting
  • Ability to restrict search range (angles) to relevant areas so that the search takes less time to complete

Comments For This Page

I'm desperate to use this and am considering obtaining my own free-trial Google API key. But which API service(s) do I need for this? It's currently September 2023 as I write this, and there are 23 possible Google APIs available for me to select. I assume all I need is the "Distance Matrix" to provide travel time & distance, or do I need other services within the same Key?
By Adric on 20th September 2023

I would pay a lot of money for someone to develop a similar tool. The programming of this cannot be that difficult?? A field I know nothing about, but in all seriousness, it would seem to be a tool that parses information embedded in a map? Please correct me if I am wrong. If anyone is interested in developing this tool with my backing please leave your email here in the comments.
On 23rd October 2022

This is still far better than all of the "new" versions out there. I applaud anyone who could make something like this and provide it for free. Powerful tools that benefit everyone should be readily available, for free, to the world's population. There are so many competing things out there now, and everyone is trying to make a buck from it. Well, I am not able to pay for apps like this, I must use PCs at my library or school, who each have limited funding. The hording of information, and the ability to manipulate that information into usable data, shouldn't be allowed to be horded by corporations and the financially affluent. Oh well, like every other good thing in life, it is often too short, but it was definitely a blast while it lasted. I hope you can find a way to make this app, with full functionality as it was before it went down, available again, free to the masses. For how powerful this program was, not that I like ads, but I think the ad-space on your webpage would definitely generate value to pay for your costs. Oh well. Good luck.
By NotInKansasAnymore on 5th July 2022

Looking at your site for the first time and this looks like an awesome tool. If it's the cost of Google's service that made you take it offline, maybe consider an input field for the user's own Google Maps API key.
On 26th June 2022

Still hoping for this to come back
By Chester on 22nd March 2022

I found this so useful for planning road trips in the past. You should develop this into an android app and get rich!
By Tim on 19th October 2021

To reiterate what many have already said, this was a wonderful tool to have available. I miss it dearly. Thank you for having made it available, and I hope to see it again.
By Victor on 13th July 2020

I keep coming back to this page that is Bookmarked. With hope that it will come back to life. I love this tool. It is the best way to plan road trips. :( Cheers
By G Fitz on 3rd May 2020

I was hoping this would've been ported to an open source mapping project by now. It was a great tool for planning vacations. I hope the previous poster realizes the reason behind it wasn't freemaptools, but the incredible increase Google put on services like this using their googlemap data. While some data is collected using tax dollars the aggregation, hosting on servers, and all the extras googlemaps brought were all done with Google employee and company assets which costs money. There were tons of articles and comments on the fairness, short notice, etc. and that debate can be had. But the short of it is it's their data and services and they get to charge for it. The businesses that use it continued with payment or switched to the open source alternatives. I just wish freemaptools would switch already! I need to plan some vacations! :)
By James on 17th November 2019

Upon a Google search for similar things, I am finding that no one is willing to offer this for free. There are numerous on-line companies offering this feature, but they all charge a good premium for it. It's a shame. Profiting from information that was once free, well they won't be profiting from me. They should offer the service for free to end users and then make-up their costs by selling advertising space like everyone else. I get everyone has the right to earn a living. However, when powerful information, that should be freely available to the public, is only available to the public at a cost, then I have a problem that. Let's flip it around. No one should be able to map where I live then without me getting paid for my piece of land being displayed on the map. Where's my cut? No one asked permission to map my privately owned land? I think all landowners should file a class action lawsuit against any and all for-profit companies that use maps for anything. Furthermore, our tax dollars are all ready paying for this information, local, county, state and federal governments spend millions each year to generate and maintain maps. Ergo, the public should have free access to it since we all ready paid for it.
By Mark, hopeful dreamer on 15th August 2019

I would love to be able to use this tool, it still works in the app
On 16th June 2019

Please, tell us how much this would cost to bring back! We'll pay! This was one of the best features on your site!
By Eric on 13th June 2019

Hi, I loved this tool. Can we pay for it so you bring it back? Can you outsource the code?
By Pablo on 4th June 2019

I understand data services are expensive. I would be willing to pay for a report on a certain area/radius. Can I contcact you to do that?
By Doug on 17th May 2019

PLease provide the source code at so someone else can provide the service!
On 23rd April 2019

NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Please come back! I used this every time I was looking for a place to live near my work so I could bike to work or school! Please figure something out!!!
By gene on 19th April 2019

So sorry to see this go! I'd gladly chip in a couple of bucks to keep this alive. A great tool for the, "let's take a 5 hour drive and see where we end up" weekend getaways!
On 19th March 2019

love you, goodbye. one of the best tools on the web
On 13th March 2019

On 18th January 2019

Was great while it lasted, very useful. Hop eyou can find a way to sell it to G or someone.
On 9th January 2019

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