How Far Does Santa Have To Travel


Have you ever wondered how far Santa Claus has to travel to get to your house?

You can find out how far it is between the North Pole and your house by using the tool below. You will also be able to see a map showing the route Santa will take from the North Pole to your house.

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About Santa Claus

Santa holds a huge list of children who have been good throughout the year. This list has the addresses, post codes and ZIP codes of all the children. The population of the world right now is 6,630,000,000 so if 27% of the worlds population is below 15 years old then Santa has had to visit 1,790,100,000 children (nearly 2 billion). The list, of course, gets bigger each year as the earths population grows.

Santa has less and less time every year to delivery all the presents to the good children on Christmas Eve, but you can find out how far he has to travel to get from the North Pole to your house.

Please contact Free Map Tools if you experience any problems using this tool.

Comments For This Page

I think that Santa is realll
By Freya on 4th February 2024

How far away is Santa clause from me
By Michael on 25th December 2023

I love Santa and Christmas
On 24th December 2023

Rudolph the red nose reindeer had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say It glows all of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names they never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games then one foggy Christmas eve santa came to say Rudolph with your nose so bright won't you guide my sleigh tonight then how the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee Rudolph the red nosed reindeer you'll go down in history!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR
By Elaina G on 24th December 2023

Hope you're on the nice list!
By Michael on 24th December 2023

How far is santa from the UK
By Jossla on 24th December 2023

What are you guys doing for Christmas tomorrow morning
By Madison young on 24th December 2023

I don't know
By Emily Jane and Logan on 24th December 2023

How long does it take
On 24th December 2023

We're is santa
By Kiki on 24th December 2023

Where is santa I will find out.
By John c on 24th December 2023

How long in till he gets here
By Aliyah on 24th December 2023

Santa I would like a lap top with a wireless mouse
By Godson opoku on 23rd December 2023

How far is Santa Way from us?
By Adalyn on 17th December 2023

How many minutes away?
By Smith on 15th December 2023

Santa Claus is my favorite person in the world.Christmas is just like your birthday expect you don%u2019t get to see your presents until the morning.
By Iyanna Williams on 30th November 2023

Merry Christmas everyone I believe in Christmas and Santa //Obviously Rudolph aswell) I REALLY WANT A BABY REBORN FOR CHRISTMAS %uD83E%uDD29%uD83E%uDD29 bye%uD83E%uDD29
By Emelia on 18th November 2023

By Blaire on 24th December 2022

Love you santy
By Damien on 24th December 2022

Watching Santa%u2019s app
By Gracie on 24th December 2022

Showing the most recent 20 out of 410 comments. Click to see all the comments.

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